AT&T Voice DNA® Administrator Support
View Phone Number Ranges
As an AT&T Voice DNA® Administrator, you can view the AT&T Voice DNA phone number ranges that belong to your organization.
Ranges are unique. Each location has at least one range, and may have more. These numbers are provided by AT&T and available for you to assign to users. When viewing ranges, you can see if an individual number in a range has been assigned or is available for use. In addition, each location has a default calling number (DCN) that can be used as the Caller ID number for users with only extensions. To add or remove phone numbers from your service, or change the DCN, contact your AT&T Voice DNA company contact and follow your ordering process.
To view your company's phone number ranges
- Open the AT&T Voice DNA Administrator Dashboard. (For help with logging in, see Log In.)
- In the Phone Number Ranges tile, click View All Phone Number Ranges. The Phone Number Ranges list appears, showing the number ranges for all locations.
By default, the list is sorted by the Number Ranges column. In this view, a location's ranges won't be grouped together unless the ranges are consecutive.
- To sort by Location Name or Location ID, click the column name. In this view, all of a location's ranges are grouped.
- To filter the list for a specific location, select the location. (If you're a Location Administrator, your location is already selected by default.)
- To expand the range and view individual phone numbers, under Actions, click the Show Details icon
. To collapse the number range, click the Hide Details icon
When you expand a phone number range, you can see whether each phone number is assigned or available, if it is port pending, and if it is the location's default calling number.
Port pending means you're using existing phone numbers with your new, not yet active AT&T Voice DNA service. Until AT&T Voice DNA is set up and the numbers ported to it, calls to the existing number won't connect to the new AT&T Voice DNA service. When a number is ready to use with AT&T Voice DNA, its port pending status disappears.
Note: You can assign a port pending number, but calls to the number won't connect to your AT&T Voice DNA service until the number's port pending status ends.