AT&T Voice DNA® Administrator Support
For details about using the AT&T Voice DNA® reporting tools, click these links:
- Manage Reports—Manage reports for a large organization. Locate recently generated reports on the My Recent Reports tab on the AT&T Voice DNA Administrator Dashboard.
- Extension Detail Report—Provides setup information about the assigned phone numbers and extensions for specific or all locations.
- Service Quantities Report—Provides the number of service (feature) packages and hunt groups your organization has ordered or assigned, and lists how many are being used and how many are still available.
- Extension Location Status Report—Provides the location status for each extension that you administer. AT&T Voice DNA uses location status when processing 911 calls.
- Registration Report—Provides comprehensive details about the registrations associated with users' line appearances provisioned on devices currently in use at one or more locations.
- Line Appearances Report—Provides information about how line appearances are provisioned on a location's IP phones, desktop adapters, and location adapters.
- User Devices Report—Provides summary information about the devices (IP phones, desktop adapter ports, and location adapter ports) provisioned for users.
- Account Code Summary Report—Lists account codes and details the total number of hours, minutes, and seconds for calls made using each account code during the specified reporting period and with other input filters you set.
- Emergency Call Log Report—Provides details about emergency (911) calls made by users from your AT&T Voice DNA service.
- Call Transfer/Forward Report—Provides details about transferred and forwarded calls.
- Inbound Call Detail Report – User—Provides details about calls made to the AT&T Voice DNA numbers you administer.
- Inbound Call Detail Report – Hunt Group—Provides details about incoming calls handled by the AT&T Voice DNA hunt groups you manage.
- Outbound Call Detail Report—Provides details about calls made from the AT&T Voice DNA numbers you administer.
- Administrator Detail Report—Provides details about company administrators and location administrators.
- Location Detail Report—Provides details about one or more locations in your organization.
- Hoteling Detail Report—Provides details about hoteling service usage by hoteling hosts, hoteling guests, or both, at the locations you specify.