AT&T Voice DNA® Administrator Support
Manage User Profiles
As an AT&T Voice DNA® Administrator, you manage users' profile settings. You can edit these settings from the AT&T Voice DNA Administrator Dashboard:
- Name
- Email address (If the user has a Premier login, only the user can edit the email address. If the user doesn't have a Premier login, you can edit this.)
- Phone number
- Extension
- Directory Privacy (from the AT&T Voice DNA Company Directory)
- Caller ID value
To change a user from having a phone number to having only an extension, see Change User to Extension Only or Phone Number and Extension.
These settings, with the exception of the email address, are part of a device's (IP phone, desktop adapter, location adapter) configuration. If you change any of these settings (except the email address) for a user, you must reboot all devices on which the user's number appears. You can change more than one setting at a time and reboot each device only once. Changing only the email address doesn't require a reboot.
Note: Editing these fields doesn't change the user's Premier account profile settings.
Users can edit their own wireless number, email address, and time zone from the AT&T Voice DNA User Dashboard.
User Portal Access setting displays the current status of the user's access to Premier: Configured (user has a Premier login), Ineligible (user is a fax user or a standard feature user), or Access Requested (an AT&T Voice DNA Administrator has sent a request to Premier, but the user has not yet registered).
To edit a user's profile
- Open the AT&T Voice DNA Administrator Dashboard, and locate the user's information. (For help with this step, see Log In and Use Search).
- To open the user's Profile and make edits, do one of the following:
- Under the user's Actions column, click the Edit User Details icon
- Click the user's name. On the User Details page that appears, click Edit.
- Under the user's Actions column, click the Edit User Details icon
- Specify optional settings:
- Edit the user's first and last name (used for Caller ID within your organization and for the user's AT&T Voice DNA Directory listing).
- For Directory Privacy, select Disabled or Enabled. When enabled, this option hides the user (regular user, fax user, or hunt group) so they cannot be seen in the AT&T Voice DNA Company Directory. This feature doesn’t block the user’s Caller ID.
- Edit the user’s job title.
- Enter a new phone number, extension, or both (depending on what is currently assigned to this user). If you're changing the user to an extension only, see Change User to Extension Only or Phone Number and Extension.
- Specify a Caller ID option. The Caller ID is the information used when the users makes an outgoing call. You can specify the user’s exact phone number or use the generic location number. (For more information, see Manage Location Caller ID.)
- Edit the user's email address. (If the user isn't eligible for a Premier account or the account isn't activated, you can edit the user's email address. Users with active Premier accounts edit their email addresses through Premier.)
- If User Portal Access is set to Access Requested, you can click Resend Request to send Premier another request to create the user.
- Click Save.
- Reboot all devices (IP phones, desktop adapters, location adapters) on which the user's number appears. If you changed only the user's email address, you don't need to reboot.
Note the following when rebooting:
Location adapter—While a location adapter is rebooting, all calls from your location are disrupted, not just calls for non-IP phones and fax machines that are connected to the adapter phone ports. Rebooting most location adapters takes only a few minutes. If the location adapter hasn't been rebooted in a while, rebooting may initiate a firmware upgrade and take 15–20 minutes to complete.
Desktop adapter—While a desktop adapter is rebooting, all calls for devices connected to the desktop adapter are disrupted. Rebooting an EdgeWater 250IAD desktop adapter takes 20–30 minutes. You must wait for the cycle to complete before you can make or receive calls from devices connected to the EdgeWater 250IAD.