AT&T Voice DNA® Administrator Support

Delete Users


A key part of your role as an AT&T Voice DNA® Administrator is managing users' access to the system and its features. This includes deleting users.


Deleting a user from the AT&T Voice DNA service releases the user's resources for reassignment within your organization. After you've successfully deleted a user, you can reassign that user's phone number, feature package, and device.


Note: Be careful when deleting users. You can't recover a deleted user. Everything associated with that user, such as the voice mailbox and messages, settings, and call logs, is permanently deleted.


Deleting a user from the AT&T Voice DNA service automatically deletes the user's Premier profile. Deleting a user in Premier automatically deletes the user in the AT&T Voice DNA service.


To delete a user from AT&T Voice DNA

  1. On the AT&T Administrator Dashboard, in the Users tile, click View List of Users or View List of Users for this Location. (For help with this step, see Log In.)
  2. Locate the user's information. (For help with this step, see Use Search.)


  1. In the Actions column for the user, click the Delete icon . A Confirm Delete message appears.
  2. To delete the user, click Yes, Delete. To retain the user, click Cancel.


To delete a user from Premier

  1. Log in to Premier.
  2. In the Administrator and User Profiles tile, click Manage user profiles.
  3. Under Delete a User Profile, search for the user.
  4. Locate the user in the search results.
  5. In the user's row, click Delete.

An email is automatically sent to the user explaining that the login profile was deleted.


Note: A deleted user who is also an Administrator can still log in to Premier as an Administrator.