AT&T Voice DNA® User Support
Manage Miscellaneous Feature Settings
You can view and edit settings for certain miscellaneous features supported by AT&T Voice DNA®. For information about changing your Virtual Office, Locate Me, or voicemail settings, see Manage Virtual Office, Manage Locate Me Settings, and Manage Messages.
Change Your Feature Settings
Your AT&T Voice DNA® administrator can turn on or off feature settings for you, but you can also manage certain feature settings yourself.
To change feature settings
- From your AT&T Voice DNA User Dashboard, click SETTINGS, and then click Misc. immediately below. The Miscellaneous Feature Settings page appears.
- To change feature settings, click Edit. The Edit Miscellaneous Feature Settings page appears.
- Check the features you want to turn on, and uncheck the features you want to turn off.
- Click Save.
Feature Settings
The following settings are available on the Miscellaneous Feature Settings page:
Account Codes—If you're assigned the Account Code feature, your status appears as Account Codes – Mandatory or Account Codes – Optional. If you're not assigned the Account Code feature, no account code status is shown. Only an Administrator can change this option. For more information, see About Account Codes.
Call waiting—Turns off Call Waiting for your phone, or turns off the tone that rings to announce a call is waiting:
- Disable call waiting for your extension—Turns off Call Waiting and, when your line is busy, sends secondary calls to the number specified in your Call Forward/Busy settings (see Manage Locate Me Settings for more information).
- Disable tone on your IP phone(s)—Turns off the Call Waiting tone that sounds when your phone receives a secondary call. Other Call Waiting indicators remain active, such as a blinking line key or an onscreen message. For this change to take effect, you must reboot your IP phone(s).
Music on Hold—Turns on (or off) the music that callers hear when on hold.