Access Ordering Overview
You can now obtain up-to-the-minute information on the status of service orders, retrieve your ASR Confirmation (FOC), and Design Layout Report (DLR) via the web. In addition, you can validate CFA and SONET systems to ensure the system is valid and the channel is spare prior to submitting your ASR. Various other pre-ordering applications are available. See the Pre-Validation demo below. Also, the ASR Ordering application allows ASRs to be submitted via the web providing real time error notification. Errors are presented for information that is not ASOG compliant, invalid NC/NCI/SECNCI combinations, invalid address information and CFA errors. In addition, ASR related reports are available. See the ASR Ordering demo below. TIPToP Ordering and Management service is available to IP-VIS customers. Please contact your Account Manager for more information.
All of these tools are available for Customers ordering ASR services throughout the AT&T region now!
Common Access Front End (CAFE)
Access Ordering (ASR) (ASE/ADE)
ATT Switched Ethernet Ordering Change Activity ASR Job Aid
ATT Switched Ethernet Ordering Guide
Variable Term Agreement (VTA) Guide
Order Entry Chart for Wireless ASR
Wireless Provisioning and Routing Guidelines
Mechanized Access Ordering
AT&T Southeast Guide to Interconnection (contains interval information)
21 State Construction Interval Code Guide
ASR Ordering Guidelines (ATIS Website)
New ASE Order
Below are the tasks that need to be completed when ordering AT&T Switched Ethernet (ASE) using the ASR (Access Service Request) First process. Tasks that require accessing the CAFE site include step-by-step guides for completing and submitting your order. NOTE: If you are a first-time customer, you first need to work with your Account team to create a contract and validate you can order using the ASR First Process.
Task 1: Confirm Order Meets ASR First Requirements
Task 2: Create Standalone Port
Task 3: Ensure Site Visit & Survey
Task 4: Create Ethernet Virtual Circuit (EVC)
Task 5: Ensure Site Readiness
Task 6: Ensure Service Installation
Additional Resources:
LOA and Rescind LOA
Project Criteria & Standard Interval Guide
21 State Intervals
AT&T Southeast Guide to Interconnection (contains interval information)
Network Verification Acceptance Testing (NVAT) / Automated Completion Transmittal (ACTS)
The purpose of this document is to describe AT&T procedures and assist customers in understanding and implementing the NVAT and ACTS processes for Digital Services (DDS, DS1 and DS3). NVAT is the process that defines testing of the services by AT&T without joint testing with the customer. ACTS is the completion transmittal to customers via automation.
Benefits of NVAT/ACTS
The NVAT/ACTS procedures have proven to reduce delayed orders. Historical data from major customers utilizing this process indicate a decline of Customer Not Ready (CNR) delays when the process was introduced for DS1 and DDS respectively. Overall CNRs (Customer Not Ready) for the customers with NVAT/ACTS range lower compared to the non-NVAT/ACTS customers. NVAT/ACTS also reduces manpower requirements for AT&T and the customer’s thus increasing productivity. The elimination of cooperative testing, follow up phone calls for order acceptance, waiting time and status queries reduces turn-up time and costs. Eliminating additional dispatches for post-due-date cooperative testing will also reduce unnecessary costs. New circuit failures indicate no increase with the implementation of NVAT/ACTS. Historical data indicates no increase over a long period in the deterioration of new circuit failure rate. NVAT/ACTS and NVAT/ACTS is a win-win solution that saves time and money for the customer and AT&T and insures high quality service turn up.
NOTE: NVAT/ACTS EXEMPTIONS: Multi-LEC Circuits, All DS0 Voice Grade Services and Frame Relay Service.
Network Verification Acceptance Testing (NVAT)
NVAT is a process where AT&T will provision service request by testing all the required AT&T supported parameters. Test will be from the AT&T termination point (Exp: end user premises) to the nearest customers’ point of presence without cooperative testing with the customer. The NVAT process is currently available for all DS1, DDS and DS3 special access circuits. Carrier service is available by separate agreement with the customer and the same process in AT&T would be applicable.
AT&T expects to begin testing internally on the “critical date” for frame continuity (FCD) as indicated on the Firm Order Confirmation (FOC). On or before this date the Customer may choose to place either a software or hardware loop at a point closest to the AT&T portion of the network. Testing on the FCD is for the intra-office portion of the AT&T Network. When testing on FCD, the AT&T tester will test back towards the customer network. If a loop is seen, AT&T will verify the loop location is in the Customer’s portion of the circuit and run the same test as performed on the AT&T intra-office. If no loop is detected, the AT&T tester will perform AT&T supported tests to the closest point to the customer to the Network Interface. AT&T does not make any calls to get the loop placed by the customer.
On or before the DD, AT&T performs designated test for the service from the nearest point to the customer (or loop) to the Network Interface Device (NI). All patterns and lengths of each pattern will be completed to insure a good circuit to the customer.
If applicable, AT&T will perform protection switching test on the service from Primary to Secondary paths to validate that both paths are capable of supporting service in the event of failure. Switching to the alternate path will be performed only in a maintenance window if that process might impact other in-service customers.
AT&T will verify all cross-connects associated with the protection paths and toward the customer (when no loop was provided) by via mechanized systems or manually as otherwise needed.
When the supported tests are completed successfully, AT&T will complete the order and commence billing. The Customer will be notified of order completion via the ACTS process (Email) described below.
Where applicable, the AT&T installer will mark and label the demarc location with both the AT&T and customer circuit ID. The installer will also inform the local contact (LCON) of the demarc location.
Each class of service may have specific guidelines applicable only to that service. An example would be on DS3 service where a loop will be left up in the AT&T Network until a call is received from the customer. Specific procedures or transmittal information via ACTS for each service can be reviewed individually.
Automated Completion Transmittal System (ACTS)
The Automated Completion Transmittal System (ACTS) is a process that allows AT&T to send order completion information directly to the Customer within an E-mail message via the Internet. The completion information will include the AT&T tester and phone number, PON number, AT&T order number, customer and AT&T circuit ID, all test results, local contact name, address, phone number, demarc location, extended wire (yes or no), jack type, and demarc labels with the customer and SWBT circuit ID (yes or no).
Three informational items are required to initially establish customers in ACTS. They are:
- Implementation number (phone number) of the customers contact center/location
- ACNAs of the candidate orders
- E-mail addresses of the parties to receive the completion information.
If possible, select a mailbox that will not change to be designated as the primary recipient. Other mailboxes may be individual technicians, supervisors, or any combination.
In order to set up ACTS, the customer should provide the necessary information to their account team or service manager contact. The AT&T Service Management representative will forward the information with any special request to the internal AT&T group responsible for ACTS set up.
AT&T Completion Process
Once the NVAT process has been completed and all test requirements have been met AT&T will log into the ACTS process and complete the E-mail form. The technician will then submit the form for processing. Verification of processing and sending of the E-mail message will be verified by scanning the AT&T WFA/C log for a copy of the E-mail message. Once the message has been appended to the WFA/C log the AT&T tester will complete the Due Date event of the order in WFA/C. This will commence the AT&T billing process.
Once completion transmittal has been sent and the order completed in AT&T, any request for any additional type testing may result in additional billing to the customer. This billing could be from the order or trouble ticket opened in AT&T and could be in addition to other billable request on the original order.
NVAT/ACTS implementation with a customer is considered a joint operation agreement. AT&T agrees to provide services meeting the expected parameters and customer agree to accept these services from AT&T transmittals and test procedures.
Any request for additional testing (other than placing or removing a loop) after transmittal of completion or any factors that require AT&T to perform additional labor may incur additional billing.
AT&T SE 9-State Wireless Resources
Certificate of Continuing Exemption from Federal Excise Tax on Telecommunications Services-standard
SE Point Code UnMapping Spreadsheet Template
Wireless Service Center Service Order Accuracy Review
Wireless Service Center Service Order Accuracy Review - Access Orders Only
- Extracting TN Data via 9-1-1 Net -- Job Aid
- 21-State 911 Database Error Summary Guide
- SE Region Landline E9-1-1/SS7 Interconnection Guide
- SE E911 Tandem Database Data
- Selective Router Table
- E911 Tandem CLLI Information Tool (NPA/NXX)
- Trunk Group Design Guide - SE
- Trunk Group Design Guide - TN - NETTN NG911
9 State Wireless Customer Guide
Ordering Switched Access Trunks
Carrier Training Opportunities
User ID Forms and Requests
- AT&T 21-State Customer Profile Web Site Administrator ID Request Form
- AT&T CLEC Web Site Admin ID Request
- CLEC Single Block ID Form (21 State)
- AT&T CLEC Block ID Form
- Password Reset for AT&T Global Logons
12-State Directory Listing Requests
SE - Directory Listing Requests
CLEC Directory Matters Reference Guide (DMRG) for Caption & Indented Listings
CLEC Directory Matters Reference Guide Non-Caption Listings
13-State Batch Hot Cut Training
Unbundled Network Elements UNEs
Enhanced Verigate Demos Workbook
LEX Web Training Demonstrations
Carrier Coding Guides - 21 State
AT&T 21-State Carrier Coding Guides
- Introduction to CCG
- CCG Update Scheduling Calendar 2021
- 21 State Current Change
- Tab 02 3rd and 4th Character NC Code
- Tab 03 NCI Components
- Tab 08a NC-NCI Combinations (BF-KQ and OP-YN)
- Tab 08b NC-NCI Combinations (LB-LV)
- Tab 09 SPEC Codes
- Tab 10 Network Channel (NC)
- Tab 11 Service Codes and Modifiers
- Tab 12 Private Line (Non Access) CLCI Service Codes & Modifiers
- Tab 13 Cellular/Wireless NC/NCI Codes
- Tab 14 CCG Job Aid
- Tab 15 SONET Coding
- Tab 16 Product Specific Coding Matrixes
- Tab 17 Order and Coding Message Grids
- Tab 18 Multi-Service Optical Networking (MON) Ring and Riding Services Matrix
- Tab 19 Video Services
Universal Project Spreadsheets
CLEC Universal Routing Spreadsheet
Roll-Groom UNE DS1(Southeast Region ONLY)
Roll-Groom for Switched Services
Special Access New Install Reqtype E
Special Access New Install Reqtype S
Special Access New Install Reqtype S with Intermediated ICFA Required
SE SPA2U Commingled Conversion
AT&T SE 9-State SS7 Ordering
Bridging and Hubbing Guides
National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) files NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 4 with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) each month. The tariff contains data on exchange carrier Wire Centers/Central Offices, their locations, capabilities and meet point billing arrangements.
Changes submitted to NECA by the 6th calendar day of the month (Lock Date) are filed with the FCC around the 15th of the month. These changes become effective on the 1st calendar day of the following month and appear in NECA Tariff F.C.C. No. 4.
Billing and Reports
ABS Billing Escalation Contacts
Billing Collections and Claims
Input File Layouts-Edits-Error Codes
AT&T Wholesale
Late Payment Charge Claims:
Inquiries/Claims regarding Late Payment Charges (LPC) billed due to payment issues should be referred to the Collections Center @ 1.888.806.5202. Payment Issues may include : missing or misapplied payments, extended payment terms, and invoices not received.
All other Late Payment Charge (LPC) claims not related to above should be directed to the billing claims centers using the billing claims dispute form: Billing Claims Dispute Form
IXC Reports (PARS and B&C) Only
Carrier Intrastate VoIP Percentage Report
Federal Universal Service Fund Surcharge/Fee Waiver
AT&T SE 9-State Billing Premium Access Services
Interstate Guidebook Rate Changes
The planned rate changes below are presented on this page for informational purposes only and do not modify any rates, terms, or conditions for the services. Customers should consult the AT&T Interstate Access Guidebook.
VG, DS0, DS1, DS3, SONET PtP - Current
VG, DS0, DS1, DS3, SONET PtP - Prior Rates 1
VG, DS0, DS1, DS3, SONET PtP - Prior Rates 2
VG, DS0, DS1, DS3, SONET PtP - Prior Rates 3
GigaMan, Deca Man, Opt-E-Man and Metro-E
GigaMan, Deca Man, Opt-E-Man and Metro-E
Reference Materials
Wholesale Carrier Forms and Requirements
AT&T Cell Site Customer Requirements
AT&T Cell Site Customer Requirements - PDF
Building Requirements for Fiber Transport Equipment (DS3 and above)
Building Requirements for Fiber Transport Equipment - PDF
High Voltage Protection
High Voltage Protection Information
Regulatory Reference Sites
Federal Communications Commission
Arkansas Public Service Commission
California Public Utilities Commission
Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission
Ohio Public Utility Commission
Texas Public Utility Commission
Wisconsin Public Service Commission
Technical Publications
Equipment Installation Requirements
AT&T SE 9-State IXC Guides
Introduction to Operational Procedures for Access and Wireless Customers
Wholesale Customer Merger Acquisition
Request for copy of a BellSouth Business Contract prior to CLEC Assumption
Wholesale Carrier Information
IXC Guide to Interconnection
Common Error and Clarification Guide - PDF
AT&T 9-State Guide to Interconnect
LATA Maps - Regions Defined
IS Call Center
Password Reset for AT&T Global Logon
- AT&T 21-State Customer Profile Website Administrator ID Request Form
- AT&T CLEC Website Admin ID Request
- CLEC Single Block ID Form (21 State)
- AT&T CLEC Block ID Form
MUXLOC (Southeast Only)
Tandem Homing Plans and Offices
Tandem and Subtending End Offices
SS7 (AT&T) CCS & SS7 Interconnection
SS7 (AT&T) CCS & SS7 Network Interconnection
OSS Application and Tools
Online Resources
Accessible Letter Searches
Accessible Letter Subscription Form
Discontinued Service Areas
AT&T Facility Check Tool
EB/TA gives you an electronic connection to AT&T to streamline the trouble administration process and minimize the number of manual telephone calls you have to make to the AT&T Work Centers. You'll get to the heart of the problem quickly. Plus, you'll get frequent status reports to improve your communication with your customers.
AT&T offers two different electronic interfaces:
- Application-to-Application Interface - a computer-to-computer interface conforming to ANSI standards.
- Web Toolbar EBTA GUI - a web browser-based Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Or contact us for assistance in determining the best interface for your needs.
To Become an EBTA Customer
The Web Toolbar EBTA GUI application is one of a suite of applications available to IXC, Wireless, and PayPhone customers hosted by Web Toolbar. To apply for the Web Toolbar EBTA GUI, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Download the application form below and follow the instructions
The application form is a Microsoft Excel workbook containing multiple spreadsheets.
Step 2: Complete the application form
Follow the directions on the Instructions tab to complete and submit the request form.
Step 3: Download the User Guide
The Web Toolbar EBTA GUI User Guide contains minimum PC Hardware and Software requirements, the URL of Web Toolbar, instructions for first time setup and installation of the application, and provides reference to all functionality of the application.
Once you obtain user ids/passwords and install required browser plug in and configuration routine on the PCs that will be used to access Web Toolbar EBTA GUI application, you're ready to go.
Please contact your Wholesale Support Manager or Senior Account Manager for additional information.
WSP Block ID Request Form
- Download Center
- User ID Forms and Requests
- AT&T Common Tools for Space
- 12-State Directory Listing Requests
- SE - Directory Listing Requests
- CLEC Directory Matters Reference Guide (DMRG) for Caption & Indented Listings
- CLEC Directory Matters Reference Guide Non-Caption Listings
- 13-State Batch Hot Cut Training
- SE - Centrex Ordering
- SE - ISDN PRI-BRI Ordering
- SE - Resale Complex Ordering
- SE - UNE Loops Ordering
- Unbundled Network Elements UNEs
- CLEC Manual Forms Training
- Manual Ordering FAQ
- Manual Ordering Guidelines
- ASE Ordering
Electronic Funds Transfer Payments to AT&T
AT&T offers Business Customers, Bill Payment Consolidators, and Government Agencies the option to send (push) Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments to AT&T via the Automated Clearing House (ACH).
AT&T's Inbound Corporate Payment (ICP) process is the receipt of national standard ACH transmissions that include remittance information as addenda records. This process involves a "push only" action from business customers, resulting in the following benefits:
- Complete control of the accounts you wish to pay
- Complete control in how much you wan to pay on each account
- Complete control of when you make a payment
- The ability to generate ACH files from Accounts Payable systems, creating the opportunity to integrate the payment process with your internal reporting systems.
As a corporate-wide AT&T process, ICP accepts electronic payments for the vast majority of AT&T accounts.
The 3-step enrollment process to send ACH payments to AT&T is outlined below:
1. Complete and return the AT&T EFT/ACH Payment Registration form (ECF11)
The purpose of this form is to provide- AT&T with the critical information required to securely identify and accurately process payments received. To request a copy of this form, please send an email to the ICP Enrollment mailbox.
2. Non-production testing
AT&T processes all ACH transactions and addenda records internally. Therefore, AT&T must test prior to providing its banking information. Testing is done using a live "penny test" in a "test only" environment.
3. Implementation - AT&T Banking Information (ECF12)
After successful non-production testing, AT&T banking information is provided on an AT&T authorized form (ECF12).
AT&T offers daily Customer Error Correction (CEC) reports.
- ICP: Unpostable Transactions - This report lists transactions that failed to post due to invalid remittance information. You are asked to provide additional information to assist with posting.
- ICP: Corrected Transactions - This report lists transactions received with invalid or previous customer account numbers that AT&T was able to identify and correct in order to allow payments to post. The corrected account numbers should be updated in your system to prevent future payment posting delays.
AT&T SMART Payments
Specialized Management of ACH Remit Transactions
Introducing our enhanced bill payment solution for your ACH needs: AT&T SMART Payments
With AT&T SMART payments, you can conveniently pay your AT&T bill using EFT/ACH. It provides a versatile new solution for streamlining your payment and remittance process.
- SMART Payments uses intelligent character recognition to capture relevant information from emails, then create remittance advices, and automatically associate them with your electronic transactions.
- You can direct the remittance information to the bank using email.
- You can use any Electronic Data Invoicing (EDI) file type: PPD, CCD, CTX, and CCD+.
AT&T SMART Payments will dramatically improve your direct cash posting experience.
ESP Care
Additional details can be found in the CARE/Subscription Services Manuals appropriate for your geographic area of business.
CARE Manuals (Dial One) All Regions
Now you can administer PIC selections using your Internet browser.
AT&T's Enhanced Subscription Process Customer Account Record Exchange II (ESP CARE II) is a Java-based system that gives you round-the-clock web access to AT&T's PIC Change and Online Inquiry services.
PIC Change
The ESP/CARE II graphical user interface makes it easy for you to PIC end users. AT&T sends you an on-line confirmation shortly after the work has been completed in the switch.
You can also submit Billing Telephone Numbers (BTNs) that will change all Working Telephone Numbers (WTNs) under that BTN. Your end users can still submit a range of numbers. AT&T processes most orders within 24 hours. Carriers can submit up to 1,000 orders per switch, per day.
Online Inquiry
Online Inquiry provides real-time verification, at the AT&T switch, of an end user's intraLATA and/or interLATA subscription status. You can also view the Customer Account Record Exchange (CARE) database, including items like PIC, Bill Name, Bill Address, PIC Protection, PIC Dates and Customer Type.
Contact us for a demonstration showing how ESPCARE II can streamline your PIC administration. To apply or to request new User IDs for ESPCARE II, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Download the application form below
Step 2: Complete the application form and email to the AT&T Toolbar/DSL Help Desk (address listed on form) and also to your AT&T Account Manager.
The ESPCARE II Homepage: https://espcare.att.com/ contains minimum PC Hardware and Software requirements, User Guide, Demos, and instructions for first time setup and installation of the application.
Once you obtain User IDs / Passwords and install required browser plug-in on the PCs that will be used to access ESPCARE II, you're ready to go. (Link to application/user id request form below)
Additional information regarding ESPCARE II can be found in the Regional CARE (Dial One) Manuals. For further information or questions about ESPCARE II, please contact your AT&T Account Manager.
To submit feedback related to site functionality and content, please reach out to
Prime Access Feedback.
* The Prime Access web team is unable to process business customer inquiries. For Enterprise Business Support, click here.