Transportation and logistics

Logistics leader OnTrac taps AT&T to deliver network and physical security.


OnTrac provides a faster, more affordable choice for parcel logistics

  • Challenges

    The company’s surveillance systems and network security programs were top of the line when they were installed. However, tech moves fast and it was time to upgrade.

  • Results

    OnTrac chose AT&T to upgrade security at its growing number of locations. The company added a business impact study, network penetration testing, and a strong array of physical security measures.

  • Solution

    On the cyber side, OnTrac went with network penetration testing and finding out the business impact of a breach. On the physical side, they put in door access systems, motion detectors, burglar alarms, security cameras, and advanced video management.

AT&T Solutions

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Transportation and logistics

Ontrac warehouse parking lot.

About OnTrac

The OnTrac network provides companies an affordable way to speed up ground delivery. Faster ground delivery can help lower shipping costs and keep customers satisfied. The company commits to be “On Time for Less.” 
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