Sports and leadership academy

Homefield is an athletic training and tournament facility located in Kansas City that assists young athletes in developing and demonstrating their athletic skills. The facility needed internet access to accommodate parents, athletes, recruiters, and other visitors.


Youth sports facility scores with athletes and their supporters

  • Challenges

    Homefield needed ample bandwidth for parents, athletes, recruiters, and visitors to use their devices while at the facility.

  • Results

    Speedy AT&T 1 GIG internet provides 1,000 Mbps, allowing visitors to work, download films in seconds, and large video games in minutes. During power outages, AT&T Internet Backup ensures quick game resumption.

  • Solution

    AT&T Business Fiber® delivers fast, reliable connectivity for athletes and visitors. AT&T Dedicated Internet offers private, high-speed access, while AT&T Internet Backup ensures continuity during power outages or cable cuts.

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A state-of-the-art sports facility designed to forge athletes and leaders


Homefield is a leadership academy disguised as a sports performance facility. The athletic training and tournament property exists to help boys and girls develop and showcase their athletic prowess. It also aims to please parents and visitors.

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