
GPX Intelligence is a leading provider of location data that generates peace of mind and moves business forward. The company’s innovative Location-as-a-Service technology required solid, secure connectivity.


Safeguarding customer assets and enhancing operational efficiency

  • Challenges

    The company needed outstanding cellular connectivity to meet the high standards and quality that their customers expect. Customers need to be able to see where their vital assets are at any moment in time.  

  • Results

    GPX Intelligence now collects and reports vital location and environmental information thanks to AT&T network reliability. GPX customers effectively manage and monitor their business assets thanks to nationwide connectivity and international coverage.

  • Solution

    AT&T Global SIM delivers the end-to-end connectivity needed to power the GPX solution that tracks valuable shipments, equipment, vehicles, and other customer property. AT&T Control Center gives the company the ability to deploy and manage its devices.

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Data, intelligence, and peace of mind

GPX Intelligence

GPX Intelligence specializes in bringing visibility and security to customers’ valuable goods and assets. The IoT and Software-as-a-Service company creates location intelligence that tracks more than 250,000 assets in the field.

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