Your guidebook to fiber, 5G, and business-built connectivity

by Chris Yates, Senior Lead Content Strategist, AT&T Business

As a leader in a growing business, keeping up with the proliferation and acceleration of technology only adds to your overflowing must-do list. But we’ve got your back.

In our latest eBook for growing businesses, “Your guidebook to fiber, 5G, and business-built connectivity,” we spoke to our top in-house tech experts and asked them one simple question. “If I were a leader in a growing business, and you only had time to tell me one thing I should do right now and one thing I should definitely NOT do, what would you tell me?”

We share their top dos and don’ts in this eBook.

Fiber is the future

Adapting to the rapid rate of change requires the constant flow of high-speed data, and fiber fuels the fast. It is like nothing else you or your network have ever experienced. Fiber opens new doors. You can build a variety of solutions on it and be ready for new solutions when they come online. In this section, you’ll also learn the three ways to get the most out of investing in fiber.

Just say no to procrastination

One of the reasons you might delay transformation is that it can feel complicated and overwhelming. If you procrastinate, you may find yourself growing 75% slower than your competitors.1 In this section, you’ll learn why having a clear digital vision—and acting on it—can put you leaps and bounds ahead of those who procrastinate digital transformation.

5G is more than mobility

In this section, you’ll see how 5G goes beyond mobility. You can also use it to:

  • Bring public clouds and ecosystems closer to where you need them most to serve multiple locations at once
  • Connect, control, and compute data at your onsite—from a factory floor to a retail store to a headquarters location
  • Maintain security and control over data

Automation for better productivity

Automation is one facet of  technology where most of your peers—in growing businesses—are making serious investments. In this section, explore how the productivity driven by integration and automation can be fully realized when built on the twin, dynamic forces of fiber and 5G.


The right connectivity makes other parts of your network—and therefore your digital evolution—stronger. Discover the dos and don’ts of building your tomorrow-ready network on the foundation of fiber and 5G. You’ll be able to adapt to change as it happens by future-fitting your network using today’s technology.

Download the eBook, “Your guidebook to fiber, 5G, and business-built connectivity” now .

Doug Farren and Anil K. Makhija, “The 5 Fronts of Digital Transformation in the Middle Market,” Harvard Business Review: October 19, 2021,